The Office

SPECIAL INTERESTS: Spinal Pain, headaches, Auto/Work Injuries, disc degeneration, stenosis, sciatica, shoulder and wrist pain, hip, knee and ankle/foot pain.

Insurance Accepted and Payment Plans

Dr. Shapiro is a par-provider for Medicare and accepts assignment. He is out of network with all other insurance companies. Individuals in need of our services who want to self-pay without using their out of network insurance benefits, may discuss a medical discount plan with Dr. Shapiro as an option.

For personal Injury cases, Dr. Shapiro will work on a lien basis and wait until settlement. Dr. Shapiro recommends people look into Medical Payments policies to help ensure full coverage.

Office Hours

Mon: 8:30-12:00, 1:00-5:00
Tue: 1:30-5:00
Wed: 8:30-12:00, 1:00-5:00
Thu: 1:30-5:00
Fri: 8:30-12:00, 1:00-5:00